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Spiritual Growth For Healers Cohort

Meets The 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 12-1:30 pm Eastern 


Text: Spiritual Dimensions Of The Enneagram by Sandra Matiri


Zoom Link:

This group is designed to support healing practitioners and dedicated learners in a deeper understanding of the Enneagram’s paths to spiritual growth. The primary invitation will be to do your own work to explore and reckon with the 9 ways you experience loss of connection with Being. The secondary focus will be deepening your compassion and capacity to hold space for each of the 9 types as you partner with them on their journey to healing or in relationship with them. 


Each class will start with a grounding practice offered by a class participant, a discussion of the material read prior to class, and whenever possible an interview and witnessing a somatic practice with a representative(s) of that type.


Introduction/Inner Triangle/Idealized Aspects

Pre-Class Reading: Pg 1-41 Intro and Inner Triangle & pgs 289-294 Idealized Aspect

Specific pre-class work:  Read your type’s Idealized Aspects (289-294) and come prepared to share the ONE sentence from the description on your type that hit home the most for you . We will talk about the opening chapters (pg 1-41) as well.


Type 9

Pre-Class Reading: 42-65 Type 9

Specific pre-class work: Holy Love When we lose contact with Holy Love is the ability to perceive that benevolence is the nature of everything, including ourselves. It is also a experiencing ourselves as precious, and worthy of all of the good things that life has to offer.  How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Love? Where does it show up for you? 

-This month notice how Indolence (a sense of numbness, lethargy, heaviness pervades)  takes you out of presence.


Type 6

Pre-Class Reading: 66-87 Type 6

Specific pre-class work: Holy Strength and Holy Faith  Holy Strength- recognizing that who we are in not the body, thoughts, or our emotions but rather the nature of our soul is Essence. Without Holy Strength, we lack a foundation. With it we can withstand what might otherwise seem unendurable. Holy Faith is not the result of believing truth on the basis of someone else’s experience or from some religious/spiritual doctrine. It is experiential knowledge that gives rise to the unshakable certainty that Essence is our nature whether or not we are feeling in touch with those depths in the moment. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Strength and Holy Faith? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how cowardice (being swept away from inner knowing by fear of being unequipped and defenseless)  takes you out of presence.


Type 3

Pre-Class Reading: 88-109 Type 3

Specific pre-class work: Holy Law allows us to see that nothing and no one is separately affecting or making anything happen.  Holy Harmony is that the closer we move to our depths, the more we feel in alignment with the universe and function harmoniously within its unfolding pattern. Holy Hope is that this innate pull to connect with and realize our True Nature is humanity’s deepest potential. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Law, Holy Harmony, and Holy Hope? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how vanity (the presentation is more important than what lies beneath it) takes you out of presence.


Type 1

Specific pre-class work: Holy Perfection allows us to see that all that exists has a fundamental rightness to it and that everything that occurs is correct and perfect. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Perfection? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how resentment (the frustration of feeling responsible in ways that make you feel pitted against) takes you out of presence.


Type 4

Specific pre-class work: Holy Origin allows us to see that while each of us is a unique soul, we all have as our fundamental ground, the realm of True Nature. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Origin? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how melancholy (feeling of scarcity, deprivation, meagerness, inner poverty, inner neediness)  takes you out of presence.


Type 2

Pre-Class Reading 155-178 Type 2

Specific pre-class work: Holy Will and Holy Freedom . Holy Will allows us to know that our lives are an expression of God’s Will. In Holy Freedom , rather than needing to assert what you want or manipulate reality to how you think it ought to be, you are able to surrender to the flow of what is happening both inwardly and outwardly. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Will and Holy Freedom? Where does it show up for you?


Type 8

Pre-Class Reading 179-200 Type 8

Specific pre-class work: Holy Truth is realizing that you are not cut off from Being, but that your should is inseparable from Being. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Truth? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how revenge (asserting who is at fault and avenging the wrong)  takes you out of presence.


Type 5

Pre-Class Reading: 210-222 Type 5

Specific pre-class work: Through Holy Transparency we know ourselves to be parts of a greater Whole, and that disconnection from the rest of humanity and the rest of the cosmos is impossible. In Holy Omniscience we have the capacity to fully know ourselves, and in that knowing fully know the Whole of which we are a part. How do you experience connection with AND loss of contact with Holy Transparency and Holy Omniscience? Where does it show up for you?

-This month notice how stinginess (the feeling there is no inner reservoir and so you must hold on to what little you have) takes you out of presence.


Type 7

Pre-Class Reading: 223-244 Type 7

Specific pre-class work: 

-Holy Work-is that the holiest work is the endeavor of becoming conscious of our True Nature as Being.  Holy Plan is the perception that the unfoldment of reality is not arbitrary or chaotic but instead follows a kind of cosmic blueprint.  Holy Wisdom is  in part knowing that Holy Plan of each our should can only reveal and actualize itself through being continuously present and open to its revelations. 

-This month notice how planning (making your process fit in by mapping and planning for the future) takes you out of presence. 


Final Session/ Instincts

Pre-Class Reading: 246- 282

Specific pre-class work: Take a look at the descriptions of the three subtypes of your type and come ready to share your thoughts/reactions to those descriptions. 

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