About Me

Education And Training
In addition to my degree in Psychology, I have over 450 hours of Enneagram training and I am an Accredited Enneagram Professional through the IEA, and as an Enneagram Instructor and Enneagram Coach through The Narrative Enneagram. My work is greatly influenced by the Somatic Enneagram as taught by Marion Gilbert. I have had the privilege train with and recieve mentoring from Mario Sikora. I have also studied the Enneagram with Russ Hudson both in person and through multiple online courses, and have completed the Enneagram Prison Project 9P1K program with Susan Olesek.
I am an avid reader of personal and spiritual growth books, always exploring new ideas as well as returning to glean deeper insights from old favorites.

Early Career Work
My work has always been in the field of helping people on their path to growth. From being a counselor at a ranch for teenage girls in crisis to working with teenage mothers in our public school system I have always seen the beauty and potential amidst the struggle in each of us.
In an effort to decrease teen pregnancy I created a life skills and mentoring program to build self-esteem and create pathways to success and freedom for youth. Working for Big Brothers Big Sisters I designed and led an intervention program for close to 200 girls and 50 boys for which I received funding from the PEW Foundation.
Following that, I was hired by Cabrini University to coordinate and train student volunteers for local nonprofit organizations in at-risk communities. I then made the decision to stay home and raise my 2 boys. When they began school full time, I was able to return to my passion of leading growth groups for women, coaching parents of teens, providing consultations and retreats for the workplace, and continuing my own education.
From there it has been a wild ride of opportunities to guide and coach individuals in working with their type, and to teach and coach within organizations to increase self awareness, compassion and meaningful engagement at work.

The photographer said "Act Like A Statue". As a 7, I understood the assignment. My son, a now self-confirmed 5, also understood the assignment.
click to watch
Love Thy Number Podcast
I love being a mom. While part of me feels I should lead with something strictly about me, my deeper self responds "This is one of the most true thing about you." I love getting to know the two souls that have been entrusted into my care, to watch them grow and evolve and move out into the world in their unique ways. I love/dread/love the way they bring up my reactivity and put it out there to be seen and worked with. I love getting to be their mom in this life.
My husband and I are bird nerds and love being in nature. We walk a few miles around our neighborhood daily enduring the mockery of our neighbors for holding hands as we walk. During Covid one 80 year-old neighbor drove slowly behind us yelling "Six Feet! You are supposed to maintain 6 feet of distance!"